AAAAHHHHHH! It’s 10pm and I’m just starting my blog post for today! I got home from work, ate quick, then told myself I was starting my post. I did not start my post. What I did do:

  • Played with the colors of my blog because I didn’t like them. Still don’t like them. Nobody will care cause everyone will read via RSS reader.
  • Found a bunch of cool color swatch palettes I thought were pretty. None will be used on the blog, because if I use them then I will hate them.
  • Looked up color theory stuff. In theory, I like colors.
  • Started a list of topics I could write about. None of these will be written about today.
  • Caught up on 18ish hours of Mastodon local chat, including boosts and Blaugust posts.
  • Bought some games cause someone asked about people that wanted to blog about this month’s Humble Bundle. This is another thing I won’t be writing about today.
  • Ate some cookies and thought about blogging. FYI, that isn’t actually blogging. Or writing. You need to write to be writing or blogging, or to be a writer or blogger. Otherwise you’re just that person with a laptop taking up a chair in Starbucks.

All fun and games aside, what will I be blogging about for Blaugust?

Mostly games, and other fun.

  • Probably some talk about writing. My past blogging was via Livejournal and consisted mostly of my entries for a writing competition called LJ Idol. I’m also planning on doing NaNoWriMo this year. So some posts this month will be sharing various LJ Idol story ideas that I’m contemplating as my novel base, how I’m thinking that thru, and seeing what floats to the top.
  • Actual game stuff. At the start of the year I had the idea to do #23in23, where I pick a genre of games I’m not good at and play 23 of them before the end of 2023, and do some reviews and videos along the way. Life derailed for a bit, but this seems like a great time to get that progressing!
  • A little cosplay might show up. I haven’t done anything in a while since I haven’t been to any conventions in years. This year I want to do something for the work Halloween costume contest which is like baby steps back to doing something. So this month is a good starting point for mentally feeling out ideas.
  • Anything else random and geeky that pop up as the month goes on. Maybe some VR game reviews, or electronics projects I work on, could be anything! The two words that come to mind are “variety” and “slapdash”.

I do have one cheat. I’ve built in a baseline minimum that guarantees I’ll have something each day to talk about. I’ve seen a “30 Day Music Challenge” going around Mastodon and was going to start that last week, then realized I could do that here and have a built-in topic and discussion starter! August has 31 days though, so the first one will be tomorrow :D

I hope everyone has a great month and look forward to seeing what everyone else shares!

You can leave comments and discuss things at my Mastodon toot about this post here, or if you just want Mastodon toots letting you know when I make a new post here you can follow :D